People Before Profit Sligo: #AskSeamie

Online Q&A

This Wednesday night we invite the public to ask Seamus questions regarding the upcoming election, any issues they feel strongly about, his policies or what People Before Profit is / stand for.

It is impossible to get around every house in Sligo during the election campaign and what we have found on doorsteps is people are interested People Before Profit & alternatives to mainstream politics. So hopefully this will give them a chance to ask some questions or inform themselves further.

We also feel it gives us a chance to reach a younger demographic who have been one of the hardest hit by austerity and quite a lot of the time ignored by the political class.

Join in through this Facebook event page and @ 9pm on Wednesday night and Seamus will be answering questions LIVE!

You can also ask questions through our Twitter page @PBPSligo and follow the action by searching #AskSeamie

Apologies if Seamus does not get around to answering every question.